Affiliate Program

Walking Wallet Affiliate Program

We want to give you the chance to earn $$$ by teaming up with the Walking Wallet!

How the Walking Wallet Affiliate Program works:

  • When you join the Walking Wallet and request to be an affiliate, we’ll provide you with a personalized Affiliate Code
  • You can refer friends, family, and fans, to the Walking Wallet, and offer your Affiliate Code to be used as they create their account!
  • You can have one code active at one time
  • Earn $$$ for each Walking Wallet download with your code

Qualifications / Requirements:

  • You must have an active account of the Walking Wallet with full access
  • You cannot apply your Affiliate Code to your own account on account sign up

Your Income:

  • Request for a custom Affiliate Code for your Walking Wallet account today
  • Earn $0.50 for each sign up of the Walking Wallet with your code
  • There is a 30-day grace period to ensure the new users have successfully received access (fraud protection)
  • Code user must continue after trial period
  • You will receive payment the 15th of the following month through PayPal
  • Minus PayPal payment processing fees. Results may vary


  • There is no limit to how much you can earn. Have fun earning as much as your pockets will hold – and more!
  • If your Walking Wallet access has not been renewed, you will not have an active Walking Wallet account, and your affiliate code will be deemed invalid
  • Walking Wallet has the right to change and remove Affiliate Codes at any time
  • By submitting a request and receiving an Affiliate Code you are agreeing to the contract terms above.
  • Email with any questions
  • Please allow up to 24 hours to receive your code. Most receive it in much less time

If you would like to set up a call to get a demo of the app, use the contact form at or send an email to

Want to get involved as a Walking Wallet Affiliate? Submit your request below!

Example: User = John Smith; Preferred Code = jsmith If left blank, the code will be generated for you.